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Frédéric Allain (ETH)
Structure determination of protein-RNA complexes involved in alternative-splicing by NMR spectroscopy
Nenad Ban (ETH)
Macromolecular assemblies involved in central cellular processes: protein synthesis and fatty acid synthesis
Roger Benoit (PSI)
Imaging Cellular Structures
Amedeo Caflisch (UZH)
Computational structural biology
Raimund Dutzler (UZH)
Mechanisms of ion transport across membranes: The structural biology of ion channels and ion transporters
Eva Freisinger (UZH)
Bioinorganic and biological chemistry
Rudi Glockshuber (ETH)
Folding and function of supramolecular systems and membrane proteins
Alvar Gossert (ETH)
Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy Platform (BNSP)
Donald Hilvert (ETH)
Protein design, enzymology and capsid engineering
Manuela Hospenhal (ETH)
The Mechanisms of Natural Competence in Gram-negative Bacteria
Takashi Ishikawa (PSI)
Electron cryo-microscopy and tomography
Martin Jinek (UZH)
Structural biology of protein-RNA interactions
Stefanie Jonas (ETH)
RNP assembly machineries
Structural and mechanistic studies of Fe-S protein biogenesis
Volodymyr Korkhov (PSI)
Signal transduction and cholesterol recognition
Kaspar Locher (ETH)
Structure and mechanism of multidrug transporters
Ohad Medalia (UZH)
Cryo-electron tomography of eukrayotic cells
Vikram Panse (UZH)
Eukaryotic Ribosome Assembly, Transport and Quality Control
Tina Perica (UZH)
Towards systematic models of cellular regulation with systems biochemistry
Martin Pilhofer (ETH)
Bacterial cell biology studied by cryo-electron tomography
Andreas Plückthun (UZH)
Directed evolution of eukaryotic membrane proteins
Gebhard Schertler (PSI)
Structure, function and dynamics of G protein-coupled receptors
Ben Schuler (UZH)
Single-molecule biophysics of protein dynamics and interactions
Markus Seeger (UZH)
Bacterial transporters
Roland Sigel (UZH)
Interactions of metal ions with RNA
Jörg Standfuss (PSI)
Time-resolved crystallography using synchrotrons and x-ray lasers
Michel O. Steinmetz (PSI)
Protein interactions regulating the microtubule cytoskeleton
Eilika Weber-Ban (ETH)
Ubiquitin-like protein tagging in bacteria
Michal Wieczorek (ETH)
Mechanisms of cytoskeletal self-assembly
Oliver Zerbe (UZH)
NMR spectroscopy and biochemistry of proteins