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Ph.D. Program Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism

Thesis Committee

Each student in the BSM PhD Program is required to have a Thesis Committee that monitors the progress of the doctoral project and advises the student at annual meetings. Advised by the supervisor, the PhD student chooses members of the Thesis Committee and is responsible for organizing the annual meetings. At least two members (including the thesis supervisor) have to be present at each Thesis Committee meeting. Ideally, the first meeting should be attended by all members of the Thesis Committee.

The Thesis Committee should consist of at least three persons:

• The thesis supervisor (responsible faculty member)
• At least one other faculty member of the BSM PhD program
• Additional faculty from UZH or ETHZ, or external members

The composition of the Thesis Committee is further subject to doctoral study regulations of the respective host institution (UZH or ETHZ, see Further Information). For PhD students enrolled at the Faculty of Science (MNF) of the UZH, at least two members of the doctoral committee must have the right to confer a PhD at the Faculty of Science. For ETHZ students within the Department of Biology, the committee should consist of the official thesis supervisor (D-BIOL Professor), immediate supervisor (if applicable), and two additional professors or senior scientists (generally at least one professor or Privatdozent from the D-BIOL, and one who is independent and not from the Institute of the official thesis supervisor).

Thesis committee meeting (DOCX, 34 KB)
Thesis progress report (DOCX, 34 KB)
Thesis proposal (DOCX, 35 KB)